Web Sites

My most recent work to date has been with the GIS (map project) São Tomé group. I created a number of web resources for them and may do my dissertation work in São Tomé with the learning and XO laptops or Spatial Data Infrastructure development.

Over the course of the summer PhD student Adam Kehoe and I prototyped some new technologies and ideas for Prairienet. One of them was this website.

Ideas and research for Prairienet

Community Informatics Initiative Redux
I created the design for the new Community Informatics Initiative website.

  • Launched as of 12.15.2008
  • 2nd gen concept designs (UIUC colors) (LIS colors) (XOR colors) (original colors)
  • 1st gen concept designs (selected) (bested)
  • Preamble design (without content)

Youth Community Informatics
I was originally asked to assist in the design of the Youth Community Informatics website but after some issues with security permissions and hosting they decided to use a simpler design that would work on the GSLIS server WordPress installation.

Moved and ownership transferred, original design archived
Original concept design (home page) (subpage)