What would happen if the academics in the research-one class universities took a stroll through the neighborhoods that surrounded them? Would they be surprised by what they saw? Would they know anybody? Would their abstract concepts and theoretical models relate to or help the locals? Could they research with community members on real-life problems important to both of them? Would they even understand one another’s language? Would they care about one another?

Rethinking University

ommunity Informatics Projects is Jeff Ginger’s PhD research and project collection website. Though it is not formally affiliated with the University much of the work here is connected to the Community Informatics Initiative, an effort dedicated to helping communities accomplish their goals through the development and use of information communication technologies.

This site serves several functions:

Open access to all of Jeff’s Community Informatics (CI) projects and scholarship
Prototyping and hosting for various CI program and partner websites. if you’d like to make use of my webspace for free, with a few strings attached, see the website hosting section

Make sure to also check out the Community Informatics Club, a registered student organization that serves as a social and outreach extension to the regular CI curriculum.